Show Corrily Prices
iOS Swift SDK Integration
Show Corrily Prices on your iOS in-app Paywall
Swift Package Manager
- Open your Xcode project settings
- Go to project level (i.e. not target level)
- Open tab Package Dependencies
- Press +
- Paste
(or respective SSH URL) in the top right search field - Select desired Dependency Rule, the project you’d like to add the SDK to and press Add Package
- Select
, the target you’d like to add the SDK to and press Add Package
Import the SDK module: import CorrilySDK
All public methods are documented, please see details in their apidoc.
SDK start
Call SDK’s start()
method at app launch time, for example:
Request products
Send charge request
This should be done in the updatedTransactions
method of SKPaymentTransactionObserver
. Call the method regardless of the transaction state, example: