Corrily Analytics Modes explained

Corrily Platform provides multiple subproducts:

  1. Price Management Dashboard and API
  2. No-Code Paywalls
  3. Analytics Platform
  4. Experimentation Platform

Corrily Analytics Platform aims to provide you with deep insights about your subscription metrics and company performance. It can be used separately from the rest of the Platform.

Corrily Analytics Platform can be used in two modes:

  • Billing Data Analytics (active by default and would work once you connect Stripe, Recurly, Chargebee or other billing platform)
  • Billing & Users Data Analytics (provides more advanced analytics over your user flow, but requires you to start using Corrily Price Management API or Corrily Web- or Mobile- Paywalls)

This article explains the advanced Billing & Users Data Analytics mode and it’s metrics. To learn more about Billing Data Analytics mode, please, go to this page.

Users and Billing Data Analytics Metrics Definition

Once you’ll start using Corrily Price Management API or Corrily Paywalls, you’ll be able to track Users metrics, such as Signup Conversion Rate, Average Revenue Per User, e.t.c.

Each of these metrics plays a vital role in analyzing the performance of a business, particularly those that operate on a subscription model or rely on website traffic for conversions and sales. They can help in making informed decisions about marketing, product development, customer service, and overall business strategy.

Conversion Metrics

Number of Visitors

The total number of unique users who visit your pricing page.

Number of Signups

The count of new Users who have registered for an account on your website or platform.

Sign-ups are tracked by counting the number of completed registration forms or account creations. This metric is important for understanding the initial interest and the effectiveness of the registration process.

Number of New Trials

The count of users who begin a trial period for your service.

This is tracked by counting the number of users who have started a free or discounted trial period. It’s an important indicator of potential future paid users.

Number of New Paying Users

Sign-up Conversion

The percentage of visitors who sign up for an account out of the total number of visitors.

Visitor to Sign-up Conversion Rate=(Number of Sign-upsTotal Number of Visitors)×100%\text{Visitor to Sign-up Conversion Rate} = \left( \frac{\text{Number of Sign-ups}}{\text{Total Number of Visitors}} \right) \times 100\%

This metric measures the effectiveness of the site in encouraging visitors to sign up and is calculated by dividing the number of sign-ups by the total number of visitors and then multiplying by 100 to get a percentage.

Sign-up to Trial Conversion

The percentage of users who start a trial after signing up.

Sign-up to Trial Conversion Rate=(Number of New Trials StartedNumber of Sign-ups)×100%\text{Sign-up to Trial Conversion Rate} = \left( \frac{\text{Number of New Trials Started}}{\text{Number of Sign-ups}} \right) \times 100\%

This conversion rate helps businesses understand how well they are converting new sign-ups into trial users.

Trial to Paid Conversion

Sign-up to Paid Conversion

The percentage of sign-ups that convert to paying customers.

Sign-up to Paid Conversion Rate=(Number of New SubscribersNumber of Sign-ups)×100%\text{Sign-up to Paid Conversion Rate} = \left( \frac{\text{Number of New Subscribers}}{\text{Number of Sign-ups}} \right) \times 100\%

This metric is crucial for understanding the effectiveness of the conversion funnel from initial interest to paid subscription.

Revenue Metrics

Average Revenue Per Visitor (ARPV)

The average revenue generated per visitor to the website.

ARPV=Total RevenueTotal Number of Visitors\text{ARPV} = \frac{\text{Total Revenue}}{\text{Total Number of Visitors}}

ARPV is calculated by dividing the total revenue generated in a time period by the total number of visitors in the same period. This metric helps in understanding the value each visitor brings to the business.

Average Revenue Per User (ARPU)

The average revenue received from each active user over a certain period.

ARPU=Total RevenueTotal Number of Users \text{ARPU} = \frac{\text{Total Revenue}}{\text{Total Number of Users}}

ARPU is a measure of the revenue generated per user and is calculated by dividing the total revenue by the total number of users over a specific time frame. It’s an important metric for evaluating the revenue impact of user growth.

Average Revenue Per Paid User (ARPPU)

The average revenue generated from each paying user.

ARPPU=Total Revenue from Paid UsersTotal Number of Paid Users\text{ARPPU} = \frac{\text{Total Revenue from Paid Users}}{\text{Total Number of Paid Users}}

ARPPU focuses on the revenue from paying users only, excluding free or trial users, by dividing the total revenue from paid users by the number of paid users.

LTV (Average LTV per User)

The total revenue a business can expect from a single User throughout their relationship.

LTV=ARPU×User Lifetime\text{LTV} = \text{ARPU} \times \text{User Lifetime}

LTV is a prediction of the net profit attributed to the entire future relationship with a customer. It is important for understanding the long-term value of customer relationships.

Paying Users Life Time Value (Average LTV per Paying User)

Average total revenue a business can expect from a single Paying User throughout their relationship (from paid signup to churn).

ALTVPPU=ARPPU×Paid User Lifetime\text{ALTVPPU} = \text{ARPPU} \times \text{Paid User Lifetime}