Dynamic and Personalized Paywalls

Corrily’s no-code Paywall Builder allows subscription companies to personalize, segment and experiment with their pricing pages without writing a single line of code. Once you integrate Corrily’s Paywalls on your website or in-product, you can continuously optimize them to increase conversion and revenue.

Corrily Paywalls are a great way to save engineering time and use fully-managed, pre-built paywalls - allowing PMs, Growth Teams, Marketers, Pricing Managers and others to customize the design, segment users, and experiment with every aspect of the paywalls and pricing pages.

What is a Corrily Paywall?

Instead of showing “hardcoded” one-size-fits-all paywalls or pricing pages that show the same prices, plans, features to all your users, you can use Corrily’s Paywall to make your paywalls or pricing pages fully dynamic and personalized. Corrily Paywalls allow you to easily change:

  • Plans included on the paywall
  • Features associated with each plan
  • The feature comparison table
  • Prices and currencies for the plans
  • Design aspects - such as call-to-action, highlighted plan, feature callouts etc.

Key Features of the Corrily Paywalls

  • WYSIWYG Interface: Corrily’s no-code WYSIWYG interface allows for easy visualization of changes so that even those without technical expertise can design and implement a new paywall.
  • Realtime Updates: Changes made to the paywalls can be pushed live immediately without any engineering cycles.
  • Paywall Segmentation: Create unlimited number of paywall and pricing page variants. Use paywall segmentation capabilities to show different paywalls to users across different countries and audiences.
  • Easy Experimentation: Run targeted A/B tests and use in-built analytics to not only understand which ones convert better, but also the revenue and LTV impact.
  • Seamless Integration: Works effortlessly with Stripe, Recurly, and Chargebee, with more integrations coming soon.

How a Corrily Paywall Works:

  • Design Your Paywall: Use the WYSIWYG interface to design your paywall.
  • Set Segmentation Rules: Use Corrily’s Paywall segmentation capabilities to show different versions of the paywall based on user’s country or other user attributes.
  • Run Experiments: Conduct A/B tests to experiment with different designs, plans, features, prices, or calls-to-action.
  • Analyze and Optimize: Use Corrily’s analytics tools to understand conversion rates, user behavior, and more. Optimize your paywall based on these insights.

Integrating a Paywall on to your website

Creating a Paywall

  • Navigate to: Product Catalog > Paywalls on your Corrily dashboard.
  • Give your paywall a descriptive name - for e.g. Default Pricing Page or Pricing Page Design Variant etc.
  • Choose the optional channel and type of paywall
  • Select the package you would like to use for the paywall. A package is a combination of products and offers that will be rendered on the paywall. If you don’t have a package created already, please make sure you create the package you would like to use for the paywall.

You can also create Dynamic Paywalls using Corrily. If you don’t select a Default Package when creating a paywall, and leave it empty, Packaging Segmentation rules will be used to decide which package to show for that paywall.

In practice, it is recommended to create a dedicated paywall for each package that you want to show to your users so you can customize the design based on the plans being shown.

Segmentation rules for Paywalls

  • To create segmentation rules for your paywalls, click on Add Paywall Segmentation
  • Select the country and audience for which you want to create the segmentation
  • Select the paywall you would like to show users who match the country and audience criteria.

SDK Integration

Corrily Paywalls works through a JS SDK. If your JS framework is not supported, you can send an implementation request to hello@corrily.com.

👉 Check out Paywall Integration Guilde for more details.

Further Information

💡 Want to get a deeper dive into how to leverage Corrily’s no-code paywall builder for your business? Book a call here: https://www.corrily.com/schedule-demo